Goode Coaching

Leadership coaching for senior leaders and their teams in creative SMEs.


My background is in marketing and advertising, with over 25 years’ experience in senior agency and marketing leadership roles in the UK, Europe and Canada. After three years in executive search, I retrained as a business psychologist and executive coach. 

Leadership coaching 
One client described me as their “back-up brain.” In practice, I’m a thinking partner to senior people who rarely have the time and space to think beyond the day-to-day, let alone consider their own development. My focus is leader identity development: having real clarity around who you are as a leader (and how you might want or need to evolve), using coaching sessions to tackle live issues and experiment with different ways of “doing leadership" in the moment. 

“Lucy is my secret leadership weapon. Whatever problem or issue we're tackling in a given session, she helps contextualize it and broadens my perspective on what could be behind it and how it might be tackled.  She's a brilliant leader in her own right… I leave every session with Lucy feeling lighter, smarter and more confident. I can't recommend working with her enough."
CEO, Canada

“Whether working through the big strategic stuff or fine-tuning smaller stuff Lucy is an excellent thinking partner. She knows her onions and strikes the right balance between questions, provocations and theory to get you to your best next action... She sets you up to act. You will have a more positive mindset, greater clarity of thought and the confidence to do what must be done.”
CEO, London

Team Coaching
The aim of my coaching is to  help people understand each other better so they can work together more effectively.  I use solid, user-friendly psychometrics to create the language and tools teams need to improve communication, build trust, shed light on shared blind spots, provide clarity around organisational and team cultures  - and  build a plan of action together.

My approach is rigorous and evidence based, delivered with openness, energy and pragmatism.  Because of my background in marketing strategy and business psychology, I'm able to hold constructs like brand strategy, EVP,  EX, values and culture in mind (and understand how they all play together) alongside business metrics, allowing me to shape the work as we go and make sure we end up with something you can put into practice in the real world.  

Programmes are tailored to you and your team, but invariably include psychometric assessment, individual and team debriefs, one-day workshop and follow-ups. 

" created a space where it was okay to talk about ourselves, the strengths and the weaknesses. In doing so we were able to get to know each other better."

"Lucy was amazing. Working with her was very special. Her energy and openness was contagious in the best way possible."

"She makes it feel like an adventure rather than a problem to be solved... Lucy is frank and forthright whilst also being incredibly kind. It’s a very different style to the other coaches I’ve worked with. I worried that I’d be “performing” a bit, but that hasn’t been the case at all. The time is always uplifting and fizzy. And I’ve felt safe to be vulnerable and open."

Products and services

Leadership & Executive Coaching

I act as thought partner to senior leaders as they negotiate everyday organizational life, and support new leaders as they establish themselves in their new roles. 

My particular interest is leader identity: understanding what ‘leadership’ means to you, and what kind of leader you are (or want to be). In practice, this involves digging into values, strengths, beliefs, and assumptions to better understand what drives you, and what might be holding you back. The ultimate aim is to enable you to lead in a way that’s true to you, while developing the self-awareness and skills that will benefit the organisations, teams and cultures you work with. 

Career Coaching

Career coaching. Here, I combine coaching skills and practical experience as a headhunter to support those considering their next move. Career coaching is usually offered as a package of 3 sessions, spanning reflection on and learnings from your career to date, precise understanding of your skills and competencies, and a practical session (CV, positioning, plan of action).  

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